Fire Extinguisher Inspection & Services
At Full Service Fire Protection, we understand the importance of fire safety for businesses. That’s why we offer comprehensive fire extinguisher inspection and recharge services in the Atlanta Metro Area.
Fire Extinguisher
Inspections & Services
Our trained and certified technicians perform monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual inspections on all types of hand portable and wheeled unit fire extinguishers, as well as kitchen and industrial fire suppression systems. We also offer hydrostatic testing and certifications on all types of cylinders.
Our services also include a full written report for your records, ensuring that your business is fully compliant with state and local fire safety regulations. We work closely with local fire inspectors to determine the minimum number and types of fire extinguishers required for your business.
Contact us today to schedule your fire extinguisher inspection and recharge services. Our reliable and professional technicians are here to ensure your business is prepared for any fire emergency.

We'll Help You Pick the Right Fire Extinguisher for Your Business

- ABC Multipurpose Stored Pressure Dry Chemical Extinguishers
- Carbon Dioxide Stored Pressure Extinguishers
- Class D Stored Pressure Dry Powder Extinguisher
- Halon 1211 Extinguishers
- Halotron I “Clean Agent” Extinguishers
- High Performance Dry Chemical
- Purple K Stored Pressure Dry Chemical Extinguishers
- Regular Dry Chemical Stored Pressure Sodium Bicarbonate Extinguishers
- Water & Foam Stored Pressure Extinguishers
- Water Mist Stored Pressure “C” Rated Water Extinguishers
- Wet-Chem Stored Pressure Class “K” Kitchen Extinguishers
- Wheeled Fire Extinguishers
The most commonly used type of hand portable fire extinguisher is the ABC multi-purpose dry chemical extinguisher that can be used on most all fires. Other types of fire extinguishers are available for specific uses, such as flammable liquid fires, grease fires in kitchens or clean agent extinguishers for computer rooms. Local fire inspectors determine minimum number and types of fire extinguishers required for their businesses. The use, installation, maintenance and service of the fire extinguishers are regulated by the state and local fire authorities, and fire extinguishers are required in all locations where public safety is concerned.
Know Your Fire Extinguishers

CLASS A: Class A fires involve common combustibles such as wood, paper, cloth, rubber, trash and plastics. They are common in typical commercial and home settings, but can occur anywhere these types of materials are found.
ABC or Multi-Purpose extinguishers utilize a specially fluidized and siliconized mono ammonium phosphate dry chemical. It chemically insulates Class A fires by melting at approximately 350°F and coats surface to which it is applied. It smothers and breaks the chain reaction of Class B fires and will not conduct electricity back to the operator. ABC or Multi-Purpose extinguishers are available in standard or high flow models in many different sizes.

CLASS B: Class B fires involve flammable liquids, pressurized gases, solvents, oil, gasoline, paint, lacquers, tars and other synthetic or oil-based products. Class B fires often spread rapidly and unless properly secured can reflash after the flames are extinguished.
Purple K extinguishers contain specially fluidized and siliconized potassium bicarbonate dry chemical which is particularly effective on Class B flammable liquids and pressurized gases. It is electrically non-conductive. Purple K has been the agent of choice for oil, gas, chemical and utility industries for flammable liquid fires.

FOAM Agent Extinguishers
FOAM Agent Extinguishers. Foam agent extinguishers are suitable for both Class A and B fires. Apply to Class B flammable liquid spills as a vapor barrier to prevent ignition or flashback after a fire has been extinguished and vapors are still present. Ideal for emergency first response vehicles.
Agent is easy and effectively applied with the air aspirated nozzle.

CLASS C: Class C fires involve energized electrical equipment, such as wiring, controls, motors, electrical panels, transformers, fork lift chargers and appliances. They can be caused by a power surge or short circuit and typically occur in locations that are difficult to reach and see.

CLASS D: Class D fires involve combustible metals such as magnesium and sodium. Combustible metal fires are unique industrial fires which require special dry powder agents. The Amerex “soft flow” extension applicator is particularly suited for fighting Class D fires.
It keeps the operator’s hands away from the extreme heat and prevents inhalation of toxic fumes caused by burning material. The easily controlled, even discharge provides a non-dispersing application of the agent. The applicator may be quickly detached to provide a straight stream of chemical where greater range, a narrow discharge pattern or a lobbing effect is required.

CLASS K: Class K fires involve combustible cooking media such as oils and grease commonly found in commercial kitchens. The new cooking media formulations used from commercial food preparation require a special wet chemical extinguishing agent that is specially suited for extinguishing and
suppressing these extremely hot fires that have the ability to re-flash when extinguished with dry chemical agents.
Each model has been tested and approved for the Class K listing by UL specifically for restaurant kitchen hazards. They contain a special potassium acetate based agent. The recent trend to more efficient cooking appliances and use of vegetable based cooking oils dictates the use of a hand portable fire extinguisher with greater fire fighting capacity and cooling effect to combat these very hot and difficult fires. Available in two sizes – 6 liter or 2½ gal. – with attractive stainless steel cylinders and easy to use hose and spray application nozzle. The superior fire fighting capability of the Wet Chemical agent is placed exactly where you aim it with no dry chemical residue to clean up. The Models B260 and B262 are the ideal “KITCHEN USE” fire extinguishers. They supplement existing cooking equipment automatic system protection for an extra margin of safety.

Service & Sales

Full Service Fire Protection is a locally owned and operated company dedicated to superior service. We have over 25 years experience in the Fire Protection Industry and we are full insured and bonded your protection. All of our fire service technicians are fully trained and certified in the State of Georgia and attend annual training to stay up to date on all fire protection systems. We stand behind all of our products and our goal is complete customer satisfaction.
- Fire Inspections
- Fire Extinguisher Recharge
- Fire Suppression Inspection
- Emergency Lighting
- Fire Extinguisher Cabinets
- Commercial Kitchen
- Suppression Systems
- Industrial Fire Systems
- Clean Agent Systems
- Fire Extinguisher Brackets
- Exit Light Batteries & Bulbs
- Fire Sprinkler Parts

Amerex Fire Extinguisher Dealer

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Georgia Association of Fire Safety Equipment Dealers